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2024 Sociology Symposium

The matriculation through life for all have not been the same while it is a fact that everyone has the ability to do what the next person did. What is stopping everyone from becoming the version of themselves they dreamed about? Are there steps or an order of things one need to be successful?

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Are there stages or steps to life to be successful

Have you ever heard someone say they did not have the resources needed to be successful? Do you believe there are stages or steps you need to take in life to get where you want to go? Stewart & Associates R.I.G., LLC is asking all to think about the question asked. If you are interested in being apart of Stewart & Associates R.I.G., LLC's 2024 Sociology Symposium, put some creative research into the topic and let us know what your take on the issue is. If you are interested, please send an email to In the email, include your name and a two to four sentence overview on the issue and more information will be sent to you to partake in Stewart & Associates R.I.G., LLC's 2024 Sociology Symposium. The symposium will be available for the world to see via YouTube! 

What actually is a Sociology Symposium

Lets make the world a better place with Sociology Symposiums

  • A Sociology Symposium provides researchers the ability to voice their findings and studies on society in a professional setting. 


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